Calculate (Concrete Section)

Last modified by Fredrik Lagerström on 2021/08/09 14:24

A dialog box with the current calculation status will be seen as shown below when the calculation has been performed. Here it can be seen which loadcases have been calculated without any problems, which loadcases haven’t been calculated and which loadcases have warnings or errors. Warnings will be shown in yellow and errors in red.


By activating a loadcase, a compilation of any errors and/or warnings can be seen to the right. Current messages are shown in the information box with the Back and Next buttons. The printout field will be filled with the input and the results chosen under Printout options when a loadcase has been calculated. If dynamic reports are selected also these will be shown. If a result for a loadcase for which the user have chosen a calculation is not displayed, this probably means that the calculation couldn’t be performed. The explanation is then found in the box above.