Result (Foundation)

Last modified by Fredrik Lagerström on 2021/06/02 15:06

The menu option Result makes it possible to display results numerically and graphically.

Numerical result

The following information is displayed as tables.

Ground pressure check

For all ULS load cases the current and allowed ground pressure are displayed as well as the effective area.

Sliding check

For all ULS load cases the resulting horizontal force and the sliding capacity are displayed.


For all load cases the design moments around the column or on both sides of the wall are displayed.

Shear forces

For all load cases the design shear forces around the column or on both sides of the wall are displayed.


The required bending reinforcement at slab bottom and if needed also at top are displayed. The primary reinforcement is placed nearest the lower edge of the slab at bottom and nearest the upper edge at top.

Shear check

Max. shear force and current and allowed shear stress in each direction are displayed for the decisive load case.

Crack widths

For all SLS load cases current crack widths in each direction are displayed and it is also shown if the reinforcement has been increased to reach a defined crack width criteria.

Crack width design

If crack width design has been chosen and the reinforcement area due to this has been increased then the required reinforcement in each direction are displayed. In other cases this option is inactive.

Punching check

For all ULS load cases the current punching force, corresponding capacity and information showing if the reinforcement area has been increased due to punching is displayed.

Punching design

If the reinforcement area has been increased due to punching then the required reinforcement in each direction are displayed. In other cases this option is inactive.

Anchorage lengths

For each direction the decisive moment and the available and required anchorage lengths are displayed.


If settlement calculation has been performed then the acceptable and current settlement value for all load cases are displayed. In other cases this option is inactive.

Graphical result

The geometry with the current load case, uniform ground pressure, Navier ground pressure, and reinforcement distribution at top and bottom can be displayed graphically.