Input (Frame Analysis)
The Input menu option makes it possible to state all the necessary input data needed to describe the current example. The options Title, Code, Geometry, Sections, Material, Hinge, Member-type, Concrete input..., Initial bow imperfection... and Calculation adjustments... can be found there.
These are being described in the following chapters. Graphic input is possible for geometry, hinges and loads with help from the toolbar, see Toolbar > Input geometry.
The Title option displays a dialogue box where general information on the calculation in progress can be given.
The user can also receive statistics on the project.
With this option the user can chose between EuroCode standard and the available annexes for different countries.
With this option the user can chose to activate the Wizards.
From Frame Analysis 6.5.005 this feature is free to use.
Convert code version
With this option the user can convert between EuroCode standard and the available annexes for different countries.
The geometry of the construction can be defined in three different ways:
- Numerically, with help from the commands in the main menu, see above,
- Graphically, with help from the tools in the toolbar, see The geometry of the frame,
- With help from predefined trusses, beams and frames that can be chosen in Wizards through File in the main menu or through the toolbar, see Wizards and Toolbar.
The numeric input of the construction’s geometry is done under Input\Geometry; see below.
In the Geometry dialogue box, the locations of the joints are defined numerically together with the members. Support conditions (joint information), sections and material (member information) are also stated.
On the input line for joint information, see above, coordinates, possible support conditions and spring stiffness are stated.
The user must first define the joint/member for each new added member and then press Add. When changing already defined joints/members the user must press the joint/member that is to be changed. The user must press Change to effect the changes. Press OK when the construction is defined. The defined topology will then be drawn on the screen. The topology for the above shown values will look as the figure below. Member information can be removed with Delete. The user must point at the current line in order to retrieve earlier defined values to the input line.
The supports are being defined by stating what directions are to be fixed. This is done by marking the squares under the Support headline for the current joint. The square is now marked with a cross and this is marked with an F in the geometry list. A prescribed displacement that doesn’t equal zero is regarded as a load, see chapter on Joint displacements, Joint displacements. Either are all joints and members defined before the supports are inserted, or the joint and support are being defined at the same time. In the first case the current joint must be stated before the supports can be stated. This is done by clicking on the joint in the numeric menu and then state in what directions the supports are to be fixed. The user must press Change to effect the changes. If the supports are being defined at the same time as the joint the user must press Add instead of Change. The support conditions of the construction can, just as the geometry for the frame, be defined graphically, see Support.
The numeric input of springs is basically done the same way as it was for supports. The only difference is that the spring stiffness (in kN/m) has to be stated. Springs can be defined in the X-, Y- and Z directions (rotation spring in kNm/rad). The support has to be removed before a spring is to replace an already defined support. The support is basically removed the same way as it was stated. Spring supports can also be defined graphically, see Springs.
All section types defined are shown in the section list.
The members are allocated cross sections by choosing from available types in the section list.
Marking the member and then double clicking on the required section in the section list makes the choice.
By clicking on the Preview button an image of the frame, with the current member marked in blue for a better survey, is displayed.
The section direction is displayed in the list and for the current section in the lower left corner. All sections are being placed in the y-y direction, i.e. with its stiff direction in the frame’s plane, as default. If the user wants to change the section direction z-z can be stated for active sections. Some sections can be rotated in 180° with the Turn option. By choosing Change these sections will change direction in the member list above.
The section list is being filled in with help from the Section database, which is opened by pressing this button.
The database contains a variety of standard sections of steeland timber profiles that are connected to different codes. Furthermore, Non-standard steel, Non-standard timber and Non-standard concrete as well as Numeric and Arbitrary are always available. At the Non-standard options the sections are being defined by stating applicable measures for the current type of section. At the Numeric option required geometrical values are being stated without being connected to a particular type of section. At the Arbitrary option, optional sections can be defined with a polygon. The input, to the list, of chosen section names is being done with the Add button, removed from the list with the Delete button and changed with the Change button.
Sections that are to be introduced to Project-chosen sections, which are edited by the Add, Delete and Change buttons, can be chosen from the section name list.
The section that is connected to each member is displayed graphically with the Section image option in the Options menu.
Materials are defined by choosing from a list of available materials that are dependent of the type of section that has been chosen for the member. For standard sections only code materials are available. Numeric material is also available for non standard, numeric- and arbitrary sections.
Members with hinge connections, where the hinges can take forces, in the x- and y-direction, but no moments can be stated numerically and graphically.
The numeric input is done under the Input\Hinge menu; see the dialogue box below. The member is allocated hinges by first marking the current member line, marking the current square with a cross, clicking on Change and then OK.
The hinges of the frame can also be defined graphically.
Member type
Here it is also possible to define purlins and gerber beam.
Concrete input
Concrete module
The extended input data for concrete and reinforcement concerns material properties as well as reinforcement detailing rules. There are moreover load combination related properties.
Choose the option Concrete input.
The various input data options, which can be made for each concrete member in the frame, are displayed in the below picture.
Calculate initial reinforcement
Check box for options whether design of initial reinforcement is to be performed or not. When design of the initial reinforcement has been selected the reinforcement input is limited to material data and measurement data (cover of reinforcement and so on) that control the distribution of reinforcement (see ch. 2.1.1 - 2.1.2).
During the calculation of initial reinforcement a simplified frame analysis is being performed according to 1th order theory without consideration to cracking or reinforcement since this option can only be selected after all members have been provided with reinforcement. This automatically calculated reinforcement can only be seen as an approximate first suggestion which normally has to be revised.