Punching calculation (Punching)
The following checks should be carried out:
At the column perimeter
- vEd ≤ vRd,max
- vEd = β VEd / (u0 d)
- vEd is the shear stress
- β takes account of eccentricity as below
- VEd is the reaction force in the column
- u0 is the lenght of column perimeter
- vRd,max = 0,5 ν fcd
- vRd,max is the maximum punching shear
- vRd,max = min (0,5 ν fcd,1,6 vRd,c u1 / u0)
- vRd,max is the maximum punching shear
- ν = 0,6 (1 - fck / 250) (fck in MPa)
- vRd,c is the punching shear capacity without shear reinforcement as below
- u1 is the lenght of the control perimeter
- u0 is the lenght of column perimeter
At the control perimeter
Shear reinforcement is not necessary if:
- vEd ≤ vRd,c
- vEd = β VEd / (u1 d)
- vEd is the shear stress
- β takes account of eccentricity as below
- VEd is the reaction force in the column
- u1 is the lenght of the control perimeter
- vRd,c is the punching shear capacity without shear reinforcement as below
Punching shear resistance without shear reinforcement
The design punching shear resistance (MPa) may be calculated as:
- vRd,c = CRd,c k (100 ρ1 fck)1/3 + k1 σcp ≥ (vmin + k1 σcp)
- CRd,c = 0,18 / γc
- vmin = 0,035 k3/2 fck1/2
- k1 = 0,1
- fck is in MPa
- k = 1 + (200 /d)0,5 ≤ 2,0 d in mm
- ρ1 = (ρ1y ρ1z)0,5 ≤ 0,02
- ρ1y and ρ1z is the tension steel in y- and z- directions respectively calculated as mean values taking account a slab width equal to the column width plus 3d each side.
σcp = (σcy+σcz) / 2*
σcy and σcz are the normal concrete stresses in the critical section in y- and z- directions ( MPa, positive if compression)
σcy = NEd,y / Acy
σcz = NEd,z / Acz
NEd,y and NEd,z are the longitudinal forces across the full bay for internal columns and the longitudinal force across the control section for edge columns. The load may be from a load or a prestressing action.
Ac is the area of concrete according to the definition of NEd.
When the reinforcement area differs in the two directions the average value is used. A column is regarded as a corner column if the distance between slab edge and column edge in both x- and y-direction is < slab thickness. A column is regarded as an edge column if the distance between slab edge and column edge in x-direction is < slab thickness and the corresponding distance in y-direction > slab thickness. In all other cases the column is regarded as an interior column.
If the capacity is insufficient the following message will be displayed in the result comment:
Not allowed!
To increase the capacity shear reinforcement could be provided or the column could be increased to simulate a mushroom or the slab thickness could be increased locally over the column.
Control perimeters
The punching check is performed at both the column perimeter and the control perimeter as shown below.
Column perimeter u0
Interior column
u0 = length of column periphery (mm)
Edge column
Rectangular: u0 = c2 + 3 d ≤ c1 + c2, (mm),
Circular: u0 = π * D
Corner column
Rectangular: u0 = 3 d ≤ c1 + c2, (mm),
Circular: u0 = 3/4 π * D
Critical perimeter u1
Interior column
Edge column
The distance s above cannot be larger than the slab thickness for an edge column.
Corner column
According to EN 1992-1-1 6.4.2 a hole in the slab situated closer than 6 d should be considered. This can be done by reducing the critical perimeter.
Eccentricity factor
The eccentricity factor is calculated as below for interior columns but for edge and corner columns the simplified method is used.
Rectangular internal column
- β = 1 + 1,8 [(ey / bz)2 + (ez / by)2]0,5
- ey and ez are the eccentricities MEd / VEd along y and z axes respectively,
- by and bz are the dimensions of the column perimeter or the control perimeter respectively
Circular internal column
- β = 1 + 0,6 π e / (D + 4 d)
- e is the max eccentricity MEd / VEd along y and z axes respectively
- D is the column diameter
Simplified method
These values only apply when the lateral stability does not depend on frame action between slab and columns and the length between adjacent spans do not differ more than 25%.
Punching shear resistance with shear reinforcement
If the capacity is inadequate shear reinforcement can be provided as bent-down bars or links.
Where shear reinforcement is required the capacity should be calculated as:
- vRd,cs = 0,75 vRd,c + 1,5 (d / sr) Asw fywd,ef (1 / (u1 d)) sin(α)
- as: vRd,cs = vEd
Upper limit of shear resistance = kmax vRd,c
- If VEd > kmax vRd,c ⇒ Inadequate capacity!
The required area will be:
- Asw = (vEd - 0,75 vRd,c) sr u1 / (1,5 fywd,ef sin(α))
- Asw is the area of one perimeter of shear reinforcement around the column (mm2).
kmax = 1.6
Upper limit of shear resistance = 2 vRd,c u1 d
If VEd > 2 vRd,c u1 d ⇒ Inadequate capacity!
Asw = (vEd - 0,25 vRd,c) sr u1 / (fywd,ef sin(α)) with fywd,ef < 300 MPa
Radial spacing of perimeters of shear reinforcement sr
Bent - down bars
If a single line of bent-down bars is provided, then the ratio d / sr may be given the value 0,67.
As shown below a single line is sufficient resulting in sr = d / 0,67.
Asw,min = (vEd - 0,75 vR,c) u1 d / (1,005 fywd,ef sin(α))
Max distance between link perimeters are 0,75 d as shown below resulting in sr = 0,75 d and d / sr = 1,33
- Asw,min = (vEd - 0,75 vRd,c) u1 d / (1,995 fywd,ef sin(α))
- fywd,ef is the effective design strength of the punchimg shear reinforcement calculated as:
- fywd,ef = 250 + 0,25 d ≤ fywd (MPa)
- α is angle between the shear reinforcement and the plane of the slab.
The control perimeter at which shear reinforcement is not required uout,er should be calculated as:
uout,er = β VEd / vRd,c d)
The outermost perimeter of shear reinforcement should be placed at a distance not greater than kd within uout,er as seen below:
The factor k may be given the value k = 1,5.
k = 1,5 unless the perimeter at which reinforcement is no longer required is less than 3d from the face of the loaded area/column. In this case the reinforcement should be placed in the zone 0,3d and 1,5d from the face of the column.
k = 2,0
Rules for punching reinforcement
Where punching shear reinforcement is required it should be placed between the loaded area/column and kd inside the control perimeter at which the shear reinforcement is no longer required (see above). It should be provided in at least two perimeters of links legs, see figure below. The spacing of the links leg perimeters should not exceed 0,75d.
The spacing of links legs around a perimeter should not exceed 1,5d within the first control perimeter (2d from loaded area), and should not exceed 2d for perimeters outside the first control perimeter where the part of the perimeter is assumed to contribute to the shear capacity, see figure below.
Bent-down bars
For bent-down bars as arranged in the figure below one perimeter of link legs may be considered sufficient.
Minimum reinforcement
Where shear reinforcement is required the area of a link leg (or equivalent) Asw,min is given by:
- Asw,min = (1,5 sin(α) + cos(α)) / (sr st) ≥ 0,08 fck0,5 / fyk
- α is the angle between the shear reinforcement and the main steel (i.e. for vertical links α = 90 and sin(α) = 1)
- sr is the spacing of shear links in the radial direction
- st is the spacing of shear links in the tangential direction
- fck is in MPa
Bent-up bars passing through the loaded area or at a distance not exceeding 0,25d from this area may be used as punching shear reinforcement, see figure above.
The distance between the face of the support, or the circumference of a loaded area, and the nearest shear reinforcement taken into account in the design should not exceed d/2. This distance should be taken at the level of the tensile reinforcement. If only a single line of bent-down bars is provided, their slope may be reduced to 30 deg.
Layout for punching shear reinforcement
Bent-down bars
Bending angle 30 ≤ α ≤ 60 degrees
For bent-down bars as arranged in the figure below one perimeter may be considered sufficient.
The tangential spacing st ≤ 0,25 d + 0,5 c.
- c is the column width or diameter. For a rectangular column with sides c1 and c2
- c = (c1+c2) / 2
The same number of bars will always be used in both directions meaning that if e.g. 7 bars is required 8 will be chosen.
Angle 45 ≤ α ≤ 90 degrees
- Links should be provided between the face of the column and the distance kd (see above) inside the outer perimeter.
- There should be at least two perimeters of links.
- The calculated required area Asw is to be placed at each perimeter.
- The radial spacing of the links sr should not exceed 0.75d.
- The tangential spacing st of the links should not exceed 1.5d within 2d of the column face.
- The tangential spacing st of the links should not exceed 2d for any perimeter.
- The distance between the face of the column and the nearest shear reinforcement should be less than 0.5d.