Release notes (Settlement)
Last modified by Fredrik Lagerström on 2022/01/24 14:27
For Educational version, see here.
Settlement 6.5
Released: 2021-03-03
- Fix: Prevented a serlialization bug that would occur in future versions (Case 101847).
Released: 2021-02-26
- Fix: Corrected a translation issue in the printout (Case 98947).
- Fix: Reduced the number of requested licenses from Settlement (Case 100272).
Settlement 6.4
Released: 2015-06-26
- Updated license handling (added FlexNet support).
Released: 2014-10-22
- Fix: The decimal on values added through in the graphical user interface were sometimes removed.
Released: 2014-04-16
- Fix: Moved all program specific settings and databases to the user profile folder to avoid potential user rights issues.