Bending reinforcement design (Retaining Wall)
Last modified by Fredrik Lagerström on 2021/06/30 10:24
From the design moments the required bending reinforcement in x- and y-direction are calculated according to [2] 3.1.7 and 6.1 with a stress-strain condition according to the below figure.
- λ = 0,8 and η = 1 for fck < 50 MPa
- λ = 0,8 - (fck / 50) / 400 and η = 1,0 - (fck - 50) / 200 for 50 < fck < 90 MPa
The value of the design compressive strength is defined as:
fcd = αcc fck / γc
αcc = 1,0
γc is the partial safety factor.
αcc = 0,85
αcc = 0,85
If the design moment is larger than the moment corresponding to balanced reinforcement required compression reinforcement is calculated.
Minimum reinforcement area
Minimum tensile reinforcement in the main direction should according to [2] should not be less than:
As,min > 0,26 fctm / fyk b d > 0,0013 b d
- b is the width of the slab perpendicular to the reinforcement direction
- d is the effective depth of the slab in this direction.