Menu bar (Settlement)
The user chooses windows from the menu bar by clicking on a suitable menu text that will make a corresponding window to open or to show a submenu if there is any. There can be submenus in several levels. By clicking on a submenu option again the user will eventually open a corresponding window.
Some menu-options can be marked in grey. This means that the input data that has been given so far makes it unsuitable to open the window in question, which is why it has been marked in grey.
Contains commands for different functions such as open already saved information, save information and make printouts. Several of the File options are identical to other Windows programs.
Initiates a new file for calculation data input. The user can calculate several problems parallel.
Retrieves input data from a previous calculation. A list on saved input data files is shown (files that end with .pss).
Saves input data for current calculation in the file with the current file name. Save is not to be used until after having used Save as.
Save as
Saves input data for current calculation in a file with a file name different from the current.
Used to decide the printing layout, i.e. tables with or without borders, page header and footer, margins and fonts.
Output options
Not used in this application.
Gives a possibility to view what will be printed with the current settings.
Prints the input and results.
Printer settings
This function is used for specifying the printout in terms of type of printer, paper width and so on.
Ends Settlement.
Copy Metafile...
The active window will be copied to the clipboard as a Windows Metafile, where it can be used by other Windows applications.
Copy Bitmap
The active window will be copied to the clipboard as a bitmap, where it can be used by other Windows applications.
Makes it possible to hide and restore the toolbar.
Status bar
Makes it possible to hide and restore the status bar.
This function is used for specifying general information on the current calculation example. More detailed information can be found here.
Geometric data of the slab is defined here.
Ground properties
Here soil type and other related parameters are defined.
Current settlement parameters are defined.
Loads can be defined.
This is enabled as soon as a geometry has been defined.
Performs the calculation.
After a successful calculation the Result-option in the menu lights up.
Shows the settlement check with the current criteria of the calculation.
New window
Used to open a new window for the same example, thus giving the user the possibility to have several pictures belonging to the same example visible at the same time.
This function is used for arranging the document windows that are currently shown, in a way that makes them cascade each other.
Side by side
Used for arranging the currently shown document windows so that they all can be shown in full.
Arrange Icons
This function is used for arranging the different calculation example icons that might be on the screen.
Quick command: F1
The entire manual can by this option be attained in the program.
License information
Shows information about the license.
Shows all information about the program, such as e.g. version number.