My tickets
You have the option to track all of the tickets that you have submitted as long it is linked to your email.
Just press the button 'My tickets' and then you will get an overview.
Figure 1: My tickets banner
You have the option to sort your tickets to the following categories:
- All Tickets
- Open or pending
- Resolved or closed
Furthermore, you have the option to sort each category by:
- Date created
- Last modified
- status
And if you want the list to be:
- Ascending
- Descending
The ticket
In 'My tickets' you can open each of the tickets that you have made. From there you can see the history of each case with timestamps. Also, you can reply to the ticket and attach a file to your response.
Figure 2: A ticket from 'My tickets'
Under the ticket, you can also see who is assigned to your case and the status
Figure 3: Status of the ticket.
Export tickets
You also have the option to export your tickets to CSV or Excel
Figure 4: Export of tickets